about me

PetinaI come from a dance background and love to watch ballet as often as possible. I have worked in America and Germany for 10 years, and now live in Warwickshire working in Rugby and the surrounding area. I have three grown up children, with 5 grandchildren; Violet, Frederick, Elin, James and Indy. I have osteoporosis therefore I fully understand the condition, how to adapt and modify exercises for these classes to ensure they are fun, friendly and safe.

  • OCR Level 2 Certificate In Teaching Exercise And Fitness – Pilates
  • Pilates Academy – Certificate Of Teacher Training In Matwork Pilates – Level Two
  • Emergency First Aid In The Workplace
  • CYQ Level 3 Teaching Mat Based Pilates
  • TheraPilates for Osteoporosis: http://www.therapilates.com/links.html
  • Certified Pre and Post Natal Instructor
  • First aid at work (St John Ambulance)
  • British Red Cross – Emergency First Aid at Work
  • Alan Herdman – A Different Pilates Matwork Course
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